All Creation Sings

As a Christ-follower, I believe that every soul was created by God in His image, with His characteristics, and all will someday answer to our Creator.  God placed within each created heart a desire to know the truth – to seek it and find it.  That’s why I cherish God’s Word – the Bible – given to us for that purpose, to discover the rock-solid, bedrock truth, to quench what our thirsty souls long to find.

Look around.  Everyone’s searching.  Some are chasing lies they think might be truth.  Some have given up because everything they’ve tried has failed them.  And some have discovered it – and those of us who have, want our loved ones to know that truth too!

Back in the 1970s, my mom had a bumper-sticker on our family’s Ford LTD station wagon. It simply said “I Found It.”  The idea for this Christian bumper sticker was to start eternity-altering conversations. The hope was that someone might ask “So, what did you find?” From there, you’d have an opportunity to share the absolute truth God has for us – that we are sinners in need of a Savior – and God sent His Son Jesus to die in our place. 

What of Those Who Never Get to Ask?

But some may wonder — what about those who don’t read the Bible?  What about those in the deep African jungle, where missionaries haven’t yet reached – what happens to their souls if they don’t believe in Jesus?  

The Bible describes that even His creation — the masterpieces of human existence, and the many wonders of beautiful nature, points to the fact that there must be a God!  Creations have to have a Creator, and those willing to seek Him will find Him! In Romans 1:18-20, Paul the apostle, inspired by God, hits the nail on the head:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Walking in the woods or along the Florida sandy coast, standing atop Seneca Rocks, or peering into the massive Grand Canyon, I have many times been in awe at our God.  As Scripture indicates, His might and power are evident! But Creation does not reveal the kind of saving truth that the Bible does. Rather, creation is meant to tell us that there is a God — and then it prepares us to hear the truth of Scripture, and then to worship that one true God.

In Psalm 19, David pens a beautiful song emphasizing this point in these first four verses: 

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them.
Yet, their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

Singing with Creation

Not only did David write in the Old Testament and Paul in the New Testament about God’s Creation pointing us to our Creator, we’re still discovering it for ourselves in our modern times.  In 1980, the rock band, Kansas’ guitarist, Kerry Livgren, became a Christian — and formed a new band called AD, one of my favorites when I was a teen.  The first song on their 1985 album “Art of the State”, glorified God as our Creator — a song I’ve listened to now for four decades.  The following are some of the lyrics from All Creation Sings:

Dreaming awake as I'm lying down, gazing at starlit skies
The feeling grows as my wonder shows, trying to crystallize
The wind in the trees is a melody, just like me, yearning to harmonize

The rivers speak and the waters cry, wanting to hear Your name
Deep in the bowels of an ancient earth, groaning to be reclaimed
Anticipating the grand return, crying out for the page to turn

I want to know as I am known, and see You as You are
Every knee will bow, and all will proclaim
All creation sings, hail the King of kings
All creation sings, to the glory of Your name!

You can listen to it on YouTube.  Yes, it’s style is very 80s, but the truth sings loud and clear – All Creation points to God!  While you’re there, check out this Mercy Me 2008 hit with the same message, All of Creation

Separated until the veil was torn, the moment that hope was born and guilt was pardoned once and for all
Captivated, but no longer bound by chains, left at an empty grave the sinner and the sacred resolved
And all of creation sing with me now, lift up your voice and lay your burden down
All of creation sing with me now, fill up the heavens let His glory resound!

May all of us, His creation, glorify our Creator, for He is so worthy of our praise.